My Language By: Srisaibhaavana Anna మనది (manadhi), in my language that means ours, Ours as in his, hers, they, them, Our world, our peace, our happiness, Our joy, our turmoil, it's ours in the end. కలిసి (kalisi), in my language that means together, Hand in hand, facing each other with whatever happens, Whether that be tears, pain, joy, or happiness, Whether it be through times of inequality or abuse, it means together. నమ్మకం (nam'makaṁ), in my language that means believe, Believe in the people out there, believe in yourself, Believe in their opinions, religions, morals, Believe in other people's beliefs, and believe in your own. ప్రేమ (prēma), in my language that means love, The love we are all capable of holding, Love that we all have and can give to everyone, No matter what and where one comes from. అందం (andaṁ), in my language that means beauty, Beauty in the colors of our skin, black, brown or white, Fat, curvy, skinny, tall, or short, The word doesn’t know who it's describing, just their beauty. నొప్పి (noppi), in my language that means pain, Pain that everyone has, that they carry in their eyes or their hearts, Pain that shouldn’t be singled to one person, Pain that everyone experiences, one day or another. All these words, all the feelings, Everyone has them, everyone feels them. No one can escape them, no matter how far they run, They are pieces of our souls engrained in all of us. ఒకటిగా (okaṭigā) In my language that means as one, As one we stand, as one we believe, as one we love, As one we live, together.